



Open Access Article

International Journal of Medicine and Data. 2022; 6: (2) ; 163-166 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijmd.20220085.

Cause analysis and control countermeasures of hemolysis in the process of component preparation

作者: 褚倩 *

江苏省泰州市中心血站靖江分站 江苏泰州

*通讯作者: 褚倩,单位:江苏省泰州市中心血站靖江分站 江苏泰州;

发布时间: 2022-07-25 总浏览量: 430


目的 分析成分制备过程中溶血的原因并提出相应的控制对策,从而减少血液报废率。方法 采用抽样调查法抽选研究对象,抽样时间为2018年7月-2021年7月,抽样对象为血站成分制备过程中因溶血而报废的血浆,共抽选100袋进行统计汇总,分析溶血的原因并提出相应的控制对策。结果 经分析可知,造成溶血报废血浆的原因主要有血流不畅、少白全血再制备、外力挤压以及其他原因等,其中因血流不畅导致的溶血血浆有70袋,占溶血总量的70.00%,由于少白全血再制备造成的溶血血浆有12袋,占溶血总量的12.00%,由于外力挤压造成的溶血血浆有11袋,占溶血总量的11.00%,由于其他原因导致的溶血血浆有7袋,占溶血总量的7.00%。根据数据对比可知,造成溶血的最主要因素为血流不畅,在溶血原因的占比中显著高于其他原因。结论 在成分制备过程中,需要加强对各个成分制备过程中关键点的控制,全面检查成分制备过程中出现的问题,增强制备工作人员的责任心和细心程度,降低血浆报废的概率,减少血液浪费。

关键词: 成分制备;溶血;原因分析;控制对策


Objective To analyze the causes of hemolysis in the process of component preparation and put forward corresponding control measures, so as to reduce the blood scrap rate.
Methods The research objects were selected by the sampling survey method. The sampling time was from July 2018 to July 2021. The sampling objects were the plasma discarded due to hemolysis during the preparation of components in the blood station. A total of 100 bags were selected for statistical summary and analysis. Causes of hemolysis and put forward corresponding control measures.
Results The analysis showed that the main causes of hemolyzed and discarded plasma were poor blood flow, re-preparation of white whole blood, external force extrusion and other reasons. Among them, there were 70 bags of hemolyzed plasma caused by poor blood flow, accounting for 70% of hemolyzed plasma. 70.00% of the total, there are 12 bags of hemolyzed plasma due to the re-preparation of Shaobai whole blood, accounting for 12.00% of the total hemolysis, and 11 bags of hemolyzed plasma caused by external extrusion, accounting for 11.00% of the total hemolysis. There were 7 bags of hemolyzed plasma caused by other reasons, accounting for 7.00% of the total hemolyzed plasma. According to the data comparison, the main factor causing hemolysis is poor blood flow, and the proportion of hemolysis causes is significantly higher than other causes.
Conclusion   In the process of component preparation, it is necessary to strengthen the control of key points in the preparation process of each component, comprehensively check the problems in the preparation process of components, enhance the responsibility and carefulness of the preparation staff, reduce the probability of plasma scrapping, and reduce blood loss. waste.

Key words: Component preparation; Hemolysis; cause analysis; Control strategies

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褚倩, 成分制备过程中溶血的原因分析及控制对策探讨[J]. 国际医学与数据杂志, 2022; 6: (2) : 163-166.