



Open Access Article

International Journal of Medicine and Data. 2022; 6: (1) ; 52-55 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijmd.20220014.

Discussion on the application of dialectical materialism in the settlement of nurse patient disputes

作者: 袁颖, 罗天仙 *

中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第九二〇医院骨科 云南昆明

*通讯作者: 罗天仙,单位:中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第九二〇医院骨科 云南昆明;

发布时间: 2022-04-25 总浏览量: 380


目的 针对目前护理纠纷事件特点、现状及解决方案,加以改进,旨在有效避免护患纠纷,减少护理风险,改善护理质量。方法 充分融入唯物辩证法,将矛盾、关联及理论作为出发点,进一步加深医院、护理人员及患者对护患纠纷的认知,并加以干预。结果 唯物辩证法是一种科学、理想的护患纠纷解决方案,具有能将复杂且时刻变化的护患纠纷进行揭示的作用,是符合国内临床护理中护患纠纷的有效解决方案。结论 唯物辩证法完全的方法论,不仅具有高度思想与信念,同时还具备高度指导性,对于目前常见护患纠纷能妥善解决。

关键词: 护患纠纷;辩证唯物;科学;理论意义


Objective to improve the characteristics, current situation and solutions of current nursing disputes, in order to effectively avoid nurse patient disputes, reduce nursing risks and improve nursing quality.
Methods fully integrate materialist dialectics, take contradiction, relevance and theory as the starting point, further deepen the cognition of hospitals, nurses and patients on nurse patient disputes and intervene.
Results materialist dialectics Dialectics is a scientific and ideal solution to nurse patient disputes. It can reveal complex and changing nurse patient disputes. It is an effective solution to nurse patient disputes in domestic clinical nursing.
Conclusion   the complete methodology of materialist dialectics not only has a high degree of thought and belief, but also has a high degree of guidance. It can properly solve the common nurse-patient disputes at present.

Key words: Nurse patient disputes; Dialectical materialism; Science; Theoretical significance

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