



Open Access Article

International Journal of Medicine and Data. 2023; 7: (3) ; 43-45 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijmd.20230065.

Observation on the application effect of rehabilitation quality assessment of traditional Chinese medicinein intensive care management center

作者: 徐蕾蕾 *

河南省南阳市镇平县中医院重症监护室 河南南阳

*通讯作者: 徐蕾蕾,单位:河南省南阳市镇平县中医院重症监护室 河南南阳;

发布时间: 2023-03-27 总浏览量: 276


目的 对重症监护管理中心中医康复质量评估方法应用效果进行探讨。方法 以我院2021年8月至2022年8月间收治的100例重症监护室患者作为研究对象,根据入院先后顺序均分为观察组(n=50)及对照组(n=50),对照组患者在入院后采取常规方法进行处置,观察组患者在入院后利用了中医康复治疗评估方法,对两组患者在重症监护室治疗过程中的负面情绪发生率、压力性损伤事件发生率、护理质量、负面情绪发生率等进行对比。结果 在全面实施中医康复质量评估管理模式之后,与对照组相比较,观察组患者在中医护理技能评分、中医护理应用能力评分、中医护理执行能力评分方面明显更高,差异显著,P<0.05。铁与对照组相比较,观察组患者在营养不良发生率、负面情绪发生率、压力性损伤事件发生率、护理质量等各项指标方面明显优于对照组,差异显著,P<0.05。结论 将中医康复质量评估方法应用到重症监护管理中心可积极改善患者的整体护理质量,同时对于患者后期康复即医疗服务满意度有明显提升效果。

关键词: 重症监护室;中医康复质量评估;价值


Objective To explore the application effect of traditional Chinese medicine rehabilitation quality assessment method in intensive care management center.
Methods 100 patients in the intensive care unit admitted to our hospital from August 2021 to August 2022 were taken as the study object, and were divided into the observation group (n=50) and the control group (n=50) according to the order of admission. The patients in the control group were treated with conventional methods after admission. The patients in the observation group used the traditional Chinese medicine rehabilitation treatment evaluation method after admission, and the incidence of negative emotions in the treatment process of the two groups of patients in the intensive care unit was measured The occurrence rate of stress injury events, nursing quality and negative emotion were compared.
Results After the comprehensive implementation of the management model of TCM rehabilitation quality evaluation, compared with the control group, the patients in the observation group were significantly higher in the scores of TCM nursing skills, TCM nursing application ability, and TCM nursing execution ability, with a significant difference (P<0.05). Compared with the control group, iron in the observation group was significantly better than that in the control group in terms of the incidence of malnutrition, the incidence of negative emotions, the incidence of stress injury events, and the quality of nursing, with a significant difference (P<0.05).
Conclusion   Applying the evaluation method of rehabilitation quality of traditional Chinese medicine to the intensive care management center can actively improve the overall nursing quality of patients, and at the same time, it can significantly improve the satisfaction of patients with later rehabilitation, that is, medical service.

Key words: intensive care unit; Evaluation of rehabilitation quality of traditional Chinese medicine; value

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徐蕾蕾, 重症监护管理中心中医康复质量评估应用效果观察[J]. 国际医学与数据杂志, 2023; 7: (3) : 43-45.