



Open Access Article

International Journal of Medicine and Data. 2023; 7: (1) ; 93-95 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijmd.20230031.

The impact of time-slotted appointment booking mode on the rate of missed outpatient appointments

作者: 余雯 *

贵州医科大学附属医院 贵州贵阳

*通讯作者: 余雯,单位:贵州医科大学附属医院 贵州贵阳;

发布时间: 2023-01-31 总浏览量: 339


目的 分析门诊预约挂号中分时间段预约挂号模式对爽约率的影响。方法 研究期间以门诊预约挂号爽约率的情况为主要分析目标,开展研究的时间为2021年10月,结束时间为2022年10月,研究期间选取在本院门诊预约挂号的患者600例进行分析,所有的患者预约挂号中均挂的普通号。对患者资料进行明确后,将其依据平均分组的原则,分到研究组(n=300例)和参照组(n=300例),两组预约挂号分诊就诊的方式不同,分别为分时间段预约挂号和常规预约挂号。对两组患者分诊就诊的爽约率进行记录和统计,同时了解患者是否满意,以此为基础完成比较。结果 研究组签到和爽约人数及比例分别为275例(91.67%)、25例(8.33%);参照组签到和爽约人数及比例分别为251例(83.67%)、49例(16.33%)。研究组的满意人数和满意率分别为290例(96.67%),参照组有239例(79.67%),上述内容比较,存在明显的差异,研究组优势显著有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 在门诊预约挂号中采用分时间段预约挂号模式,有效地减少挂号爽约率,还能够促进患者满意度的提高,值得借鉴和推广。

关键词: 门诊预约挂号;分时间段预约挂号;爽约率;影响


Objective To analyse the effect of time-slot booking mode on the rate of missed appointments in outpatient registration.
Methods The study was conducted in October 2021 and ended in October 2022. 600 patients were selected for the study, and all of them had a general appointment. The patients were divided into a study group (n=300 cases) and a reference group (n=300 cases) according to the principle of equal grouping, and the two groups had different methods of appointment booking, namely time-slot booking and regular booking. The rate of missed appointments for triage visits was recorded and counted for both groups, and also to find out if the patients were satisfied, as a basis for completing the comparison.
Results The number and percentage of patients who signed up and missed appointments in the study group were 275 (91.67%) and 25 (8.33%) respectively; the number and percentage of patients who signed up and missed appointments in the reference group were 251 (83.67%) and 49 (16.33%) respectively. The number and rate of satisfaction in the study group were 290 cases (96.67%) and 239 cases (79.67%) in the reference group, respectively. There were significant differences in the above elements when compared, and the advantage of the study group was statistically significant (P < 0.05).
Conclusion   The adoption of the time-slotted appointment mode in outpatient registration effectively reduces the rate of late registration and also promotes the improvement of patient satisfaction, which is worthy of reference and promotion.

Key words: Outpatient appointment booking; time-slotted appointment booking; missed appointment rate; impact

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余雯, 分时间段预约挂号模式对门诊预约挂号爽约率的影响[J]. 国际医学与数据杂志, 2023; 7: (1) : 93-95.