



Open Access Article

International Journal of Medicine and Data. 2022; 6: (2) ; 182-184 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijmd.20220090.

Disinfection measures and effect evaluation in different places in the prevention and controlof novel coronavirus pneumonia

作者: 靳朝云 *

山东省聊城市茌平区疾病预防控制中心 山东聊城

*通讯作者: 靳朝云,单位:山东省聊城市茌平区疾病预防控制中心 山东聊城;

发布时间: 2022-09-30 总浏览量: 367


目的 探究在新型冠状病毒肺炎防控过程中于不同场所中开展消毒工作的措施,以及分析其所带来的效果。方法 本项研究主要是通过对不同场所展开调查,以及进行自然菌采样检查的方式,评价新冠肺炎定点医院、集中隔离点,以及患者住所消毒情况。结果 本项研究检查场所集中在新冠肺炎定点医院、集中隔离点和患者住所,各场所消毒均严格按照国家新冠肺炎相关消毒指南执行,消毒剂主要为含氯消毒剂和过氧化氢两种。在消毒前,上述场所中自然菌检出率相对较高,且集中于水源开关、电器开关按键,以及柜子把手、门把手等常用物品上;实施消毒后,上述场所自然菌检出率均降低0.00%。结论 在对各场所实施消毒处理期间,一定要严格按照相关规定执行,消毒工作人员需经系统培训和考核后上岗,以此确保消毒工作的顺利开展,使得整体消毒效果得到提高。

关键词: 新型冠状病毒肺炎;防控措施;不同场所;消毒方式;效果


Objective To explore the measures of disinfection in different places during the prevention and control of novel coronavirus pneumonia, and to analyze the effects.
Methods This study was conducted to evaluate the disinfection of designated hospitals, centralized isolation sites and patients' residences of COVID-19 by investigating different places and sampling natural bacteria.
Results the examination sites of this study were concentrated in the designated hospitals, centralized isolation points and patients' residences of COVID-19. The disinfection of each site was carried out in strict accordance with the relevant national disinfection guidelines for COVID-19. The disinfectants were mainly chlorine containing disinfectants and hydrogen peroxide. Before disinfection, the detection rate of natural bacteria in the above places is relatively high, and it is concentrated on water switch, electrical switch button, cabinet handle, door handle and other common items; After disinfection, the detection rate of natural bacteria in the above places decreased by 0.00%.
Conclusion   during the disinfection treatment of each place, it must be carried out in strict accordance with the relevant regulations. The disinfection staff must go to work after systematic training and assessment, so as to ensure the smooth development of disinfection and improve the overall disinfection effect.

Key words: Novel coronavirus pneumonia; Prevention and control measures; Different places; Disinfection method; effect

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