



Open Access Article

International Journal of Medicine and Data. 2022; 6: (5) ; 49-51 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijmd.20220190.

How to improve the ability of blood bank file management to respond to emergencies

作者: 白雪 *

公主岭市中心血站 吉林长春

*通讯作者: 白雪,单位:公主岭市中心血站 吉林长春;

发布时间: 2022-09-10 总浏览量: 309



关键词: 血站;档案;管理能力;突发事件;应对能力


The effective management and protection of a large number of precious materials involved in the actual work of the blood bank as archives can not only provide a strong reference for the superior departments to effectively respond to emergencies, predict the development situation of the incident, and formulate scientific policy measures, but also ensure that the measures taken by the blood bank to deal with emergencies are highly targeted and feasible. However, according to the actual investigation and research, it can be known that due to various factors, the problems at the level of file management of blood stations are becoming more and more obvious. Therefore, this paper conducts a detailed analysis of the effective ways to improve the management ability of blood bank files, ensures that blood banks have the ability to effectively respond to various emergencies, and gives full play to the role and value of file management work in relevant work, laying a solid foundation for further improving the comprehensive management capabilities of blood banks.

Key words: blood bank; Archives; Management ability; Emergencies; Coping ability

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