



Open Access Article

International Journal of Medicine and Data. 2022; 6: (4) ; 40-43 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijmd.20220150.

To discuss the clinical effect and prognosis of LEEP knife surgery in patients with chronic cervicitis

作者: 朱经严 *

丹阳市云阳人民医院 江苏丹阳

*通讯作者: 朱经严,单位:丹阳市云阳人民医院 江苏丹阳;

发布时间: 2022-09-07 总浏览量: 414


目的 探析LEEP刀对慢性宫颈炎患者治疗的效果以及预后效果。方法 选取2019年11月至2021年11月诊治的慢性宫颈炎患者82例,根据就诊的先后顺序进行分组,其中纳入观察组的41例患者为先就诊者,纳入对照组的41例患者是后就诊者,分别实施LEEP刀治疗、微波治疗,对比两组患者手术相关指标、治疗效果、并发症发生情况以及复发情况。结果 ①手术相关指标。观察组创面愈合时间、术中出血量、阴道流液时间、手术时间均低于对照组,组间对比(P<0.05);②治疗效果。观察组有效率92.12%高于对照组70.73%,组间对比 (P<0.05) ;③并发症。观察组并发症发生率7.32%低于对照组21.95%,组间对比(P<0.05);④复发情况。观察组复发率2.44%低于对照组26.83%,组间对比(P<0.05)。结论 LEEP刀在慢性宫颈炎患者的治疗中可以有效改善患者的临床症状,提升疗效的同时并发症以及复发率均较低。

关键词: LEEP刀;微波治疗;慢性宫颈炎;并发症;治疗效果;复发情况


Objective To explore the therapeutic effect of LEEP knife on patients with chronic cervicitis and its prognostic effect.
Methods A total of 82 patients with chronic cervicitis diagnosed and treated from November 2019 to November 2021 were selected and divided into groups according to the order of treatment. Among them, 41 patients in the observation group were treated first, and 41 patients in the control group were treated later, who were treated with LEEP knife therapy and microwave therapy respectively. Surgery-related indicators, treatment effects, complications and recurrence were compared between the two groups.
Results ① Related indexes of operation. The wound healing time, intraoperative blood loss, vaginal discharge time and operation time of the observation group were lower than those of the control group, and the comparison between groups was significant (P<0.05). ② Treatment effect. The effective rate of the observation group was 92.12%, which was higher than that of the control group 70.73% (P<0.05). ③ Complications. The complication rate of the observation group was 7.32% lower than that of the control group (21.95%), and the comparison between the two groups was significant (P<0.05). (4) Recurrence. The recurrence rate of the observation group was 2.44% lower than that of the control group 26.83% (P<0.05).
Conclusion   LEEP knife in the treatment of patients with chronic cervicitis can effectively improve the clinical symptoms of patients, improve the curative effect, and at the same time, the complication and recurrence rate are low.

Key words: LEEP knife; Microwave therapy; Chronic cervicitis; Complications; Treatment effect; relapse

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朱经严, 讨论慢性宫颈炎患者LEEP刀手术治疗疗效及预后的临床分析[J]. 国际医学与数据杂志, 2022; 6: (4) : 40-43.